News Flash – C4C Bosnia trip! TV Interview with C4C Team.


Bosnia’s biggest private TV station, Hayat, invited the Chance 4 Children (C4C) team today to their popular morning show “Jutro s Vama” (The Morning with You) to talk about their humanitarian trip to Bosnia.

Meliha Mulahalilovic, news anchor and distinguished TV personality, welcomed the C4C team on to the set to discuss the background of the trip. During the interview the team had a chance to explain to the satellite station’s estimated ten million viewers the goals and aims of Chance 4 Children and its highly acclaimed ROBIN HOOD program.

“The very essence of our ROBIN HOOD program is to take from those with a surplus and bring it where it is desperately needed – much like the concept of our hero of old,” comments J. Rafal Wojas, C4C’s Director of Operations. He goes on to explain that, even though the shipment’s value of 350.000 Euros was considerable and made a huge impact for the cash strapped homes with resident children on the receiving end, there was another reason the team came to Bosnia: “We also wanted to bring to these children, many of whom lost their parents during the recent war, a little love, joy and happiness with clowns Saša & Ilja and our little show troup. From the responses we’ve received, I think we succeeded!”