Rewards for good deeds

Recently, we received dozens of new high-quality mobile phones from a prominent sponsor. They were to be directed to needy children in orphanages. Well, that's generous, but we didn't want to just give them away

In working with residents of children homes, we have experienced that it is important not only for  these children to receive, but also to learn to give, reach out and make a difference.

So we offered them a new branded mobile phone in return for a "good deed", an act of kindness, etc. and to let us know about it.

Let us know they did and below you will find the stories of those little "Do-gooders" who have already received their mobile phones.

Petr (17) cut his friends hair.

Petr (17) decided to make his friends from the orphanage happy by cutting their hair before Christmas.

Petr's good deed was a success.

Hello, my name is Petr, and I am 17 years old. I am studying to become a hairdresser. I joined your Foundation for a good deed, and my good deed was that I cut the hair of the boys from the children's home in Česká Kamenice.

Good deeds from children from the Česká Lípa children's home. In this home, seven children did a good deed.

- Klaudie - She decided to help someone who needs it.
Whenever Klaudie rode the bus in Ústí, she offered her seat to the one who needed it.

- Diana - she decided to help a Handicapped person.
When Diana was staying at home, she helped her neighbor in the wheelchair into the elevator, holding the door.

- Adéla 14 – helped the cleaner at school.
Adél helped the cleaning lady at school. When she saw that the glass was broken, she helped to pick it up and clean it up. Adéla also helps the aunts in DD with everything.

= Kuba 8 – He decided to paint a picture for his dad.
Kuba painted a panda for Dad. Kuba made Dad very happy.

- Denis 12 – Helped a new aunt to sleep.
Denis helped his aunt, who is in the home as a helper, collect towels. When she came to work, she had towels already collected and sorted. After that, he helped her with other things.

- Brian 10 – He helped a friend at school.
Brian helped a classmate all day. Also, he helped with the studies and homework.

- Vojtěch 17 – He decided to help his aunts.
Vojta is very helpful all year round. He is a great gentleman. Vojta recently volunteered to help with a food drive. He won't let any aunt carry anything heavy. Vojta has high praise. He does good deeds every day, his aunt says.

Adam (14) created plaster angels for ill people.

Adam from the children's home Dolní Počernice came up, with a beautiful good deed. Adam created plaster angels for ill people. Adam sent us lots of photos and a handwritten letter.

A letter from Adam
I wanted to make people who are ill happy. I learned how to cast plaster molds of little angels. After hardening, I carefully removed the angels from the mold and let them dry for a few days. After drying, I gift-wrapped the angels. Today, I handed over 23 little angels to Mgr. Maria Konvalinková, who gives little angels to the families of sick people.

Ladislav (13) baked a cake.

Ladislav is a 13-year-old boy from the children's home Dolní Počernice. Ladislav decided to bake a cake and took it to the senior home.

Ladislav fulfilled his promise. He did write to us about how everything went and provided us with photographs.

Ladislav letter
Hello, my good deed was going to bake a cake. My uncle called the retirement home and asked if I could bring cake to them, and they said yes. When I went for a walk with my mom, I took the cake, with me. With this good deed, I learned: how to bake and that helping people is very important.

Maksym (18) helped repair and painted the rooms in the orphanage.

Maksym is an 18-year-old man from the Dolní Počernice Children's Home. Maksym decided to help repair and paint the rooms in the orphanage.

He fulfilled his good deed.

And what did he learn??

Hello, I learned a lot. What I've learned will be useful to me. If I still can, I'll keep painting. With regards, Maksy

Daniel (10) helped in a dog shelter.

From the children's home, Dubá Deštná, six friends joined the Good deed project. All the friends decided to help out at the dog shelter. Each of the friends described how the Good deed took place.

And, this is how the good deed unfolded through the eyes of Daniel Fejca (10 years old.

The first friendly visit took place at the beginning of October. We cleaned the guinea pigs. We have got to know the dogs. Personnel of the dog shelter shared with us sad stories. We had the opportunity to see, how the dogs are trained. It was an unforgettable experience for us. Which was why we decided to establish a long-term cooperation with the shelter. Next week, we had gloves on, a brush in one hand, and paint in the other. Together, we painted part of the fence. We went home with a feeling that we helped somewhere, where it was needed. This was not our last visit. We will comebackhereregularly.

Mireček (11) helped 2 seniors.

Mireček from the Klánovice children's home, did his good deed by helping senior Mr. Vlastik and senior Mrs. Bohunka with grocery shopping for the weekend.

He addressed the seniors. After that, he helped them read the small letters on the goods, loaded and unloaded the goods, at the cash register, and took the purchases to Vlastik's car and Bohunce to his home.
Mireček sent us a beautiful video.

Karolína (9) made Christmas cards for seniors.

Karolína (9 years old) from the Krásná Lípa children's home decided to do a good deed in the form of handmade Christmas cards for the seniors in the senior home.

Karolína fulfilled the task beautifully, here is what she said.

Good day,
My name is Karolínka, and I made Christmas cards. I wrote letters to the seniors. I told them my name, and that I was living in the orphanage. I also wrote about what we do here, what I wanted from Ježíšek, and what I like to do. My aunt and I chose retirement homes (one from each region) and one grandmother or grandfather from each home who had no one. The "social workers" who work in the homes and whom we approached helped us with this. I wanted them to be happy that someone had written to them for Christmas, and I also wrote to them that they could write back and we would continue to correspond.
I am grateful that I made someone happy.

Petra (9) a Jan (13) made seniors happy.

Petra Dančová and Jan Šulik from the Children's Home in Most pleased seniors from the senior home in Most.

They independently rehearsed a band of songs and dances, drew pictures, and came to make the seniors happy. Seniors liked it so much that they wanted more performances from children from the children's home. Check out the beautiful video from the performance.

Jan (10) read a stories.

Jan (10 years old) decided to do his good deed by reading stories in a Senior home.

Jan himself wrote to us about how his deed took place.

My name is Jan. As a good deed, I chose to read at a nursing home. I read the book about Sleeping Beauty and other fairy tales. After finishing the book, we talked. I made them very happy with the reading, and they were all interested in continuing. For me, it was a pleasant experience.

Klárka (10 years old) decided to support a charity run for Teplice Hospital.

Klárka managed to do two good deeds in one day. You can find out more in her letter.

My name is Klára, and I am 10 years old. Together with my older sister, Jana, I live in DD Tuchlov.
Our aunts and uncles, who take care of us, are very nice, and I like them all. They often go on trips with us and do a lot of activities with us.
On Saturday, October 7, Aunt Jana and the children from our family went to Krupka, where I was expected, to participate in the Krupka Charity Run, which helps the Teplice hospital.
After the presentation and opening ceremony, I focused on myself, warmed up, and stretched. I had a lot of stage fright.
After the announcement, I went to the start with the youngest children. A 2.3 km long track awaited us.
I managed the start in first place with an asterisk. They say it just got dusty behind me. At least that's what our aunt Jana said.
The goal was still in sight when I caught up with the exhausted little girl, knelt, and cried that she couldn't run anymore.
I stopped and gave the little girl a helping hand. Together, we continued at a slower pace along the prepared track towards the goal.
The others were ahead of us, but it did not matter. I understood the meaning of the saying: "It's not important to win, but to participate."
The goal was already in sight.
When I saw Aunt Jana and the children from our family in the distance and heard their encouragement, I ran with all my might to the finish line!
Aunt Jana hugged me, and I cried with emotion. Tears streamed down my cheeks. Only when I calmed down, I did tell my aunt that I had helped a little girl who was tired and probably wouldn't have reached the finish line without my help.
My aunt praised me and was very proud of me.
I wasn't sorry that I wasn't among the first, but I was very happy to be able to help where it was needed.

Marcela (9) visited senior home.

Marcela (9 years old) She chose a beautiful good deed and visited a senior home. In the letter below, she tells us more about her good deed.

During November, I regularly visited senior homes. I talked and filled my free time with grandmothers and grandfathers. At each meeting, we prepared a small sweet treat for them, which my friends from home and I baked together. Grandmothers and grandfathers liked it very much and praised us every time. I liked Grandfather Emil the most. He was the most fun to be with. We always laughed together. We will continue the good deed because it fills the free time for me and them. I learned that I have to be nice to older people and help them. I am looking forward to my next visit, especially to Grandpa Emil.

Marie (14) visited senior home.

Marie (14 years old). Marie chose a beautiful good deed, visiting a senior home. In the letter below, she tells us more about her good deed.

I would like to write to you about my good deed. I went to Diakonia Valašská Meziříčí senior home. I have been there three times so far. I am planning some more visits. My aunts always helped me prepare a cake or other treat that I took with me. I sat with the seniors in the common room, and we talked about their lives when they were young. I read them fairy tales from the writer Andersen. I am glad I chose this deed because I realized that even seniors can be fun and that we have a lot, to learn from each other.
I hope, that my good deed inspires someone else, and I don't regret doing it at all.

Markéta (13) visited a senior home.

Markéta (13 years old). Markéta chose a beautiful good deed, visiting a senior home. In the letter, she tells us more about her good deed.

I did my good deed in the senior home. The Senior home is located opposite the children's home. I visited a Senior home with my sister and a friend. I baked a cake for the seniors on the first day and apple strudel for the other meetings. We talked with our grandmothers and grandfathers and sometimes read fairy tales. I liked this good deed and will continue doing it. Our next meeting is scheduled for 12 of December when we will sing carols and enjoy the Christmas atmosphere together. What I liked most was that we made the seniors enjoy their free time and established new friendships. I am sending a few photos from the last meeting in the attachment.