About C4C

Chance 4 Children (C4C) is a humanitarian NGO (Non-Governmental Organization), active in the Czech Republic and Slovakia since 1996. Registered as a non-profit, civic association (z.s.) under Czech Law, C4C is dedicated to offering help and assistance primarily to children growing up in institutions like orphanages and children’s homes – away from the love and care of their parents. C4C helps them integrate smoothly into society – without being stigmatized as second-class citizens.

In 1999, parallel to the above, C4C kicked off its Dr. Klaun program, the Czech Republic’s first and original hospital clown initiative! Since then and for more than 25 years now, our Dr. Klaun team has been administering their “Laughter Therapy”. Initially only offered to hospitalized and gravely ill children, the team later began bringing their services to lonely and forlorn seniors too, with great success. For more, see here.

Check out the Dr. Klaun story here.

Besides spreading joy and laughter through our hospital clowns, our goal is to develop and implement programs that:

1) Assist socially handicapped children improve their quality of life and

2) Provide supplemental educational and vocational opportunities for them.

These programs are the essence of our current, hugely popular ROBIN HOOD and SPRINGBOARD TO LIFE initiatives and they provide a chance to later succeed in the job market and serve as a springboard to a prosperous adult life.

Our motto remains: “Every Child Has the Right to an Education!”

Find out more about Springboard to Life, including its exciting Helpmate offshoot here.

Furthermore, we endeavor to also develop and share best practices and sustainable solutions with other organizations that have similar aims and goals.

Our European landscape is truly colorful, multi-cultural and multi-faceted, with vastly unique and diverse people. Consequently, Chance 4 Children deplores any form of discrimination and bias. We strive to respond to all people in need, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity or gender.

For more on this, check out our Position and Policy paper here.