Rise Up! A Community for Young Adults from Children’s Homes


Author: Jolana Skalova

Shh… There’s something new on the horizon! Over the past two years, C4C, within the framework of its Erasmus project „Discover EU“, has taken groups of over 40 young people abroad, teaching them essential life skills and helping them gain confidence. Through these experiences they’ve started to open up to us, trusting us with their struggles, hopes, and dreams. Until now, we’ve been supporting them mostly on a one-to-one basis, but it’s become clear—it’s time to build something bigger.

That’s how Rise Up was born. A growing community designed for young adults leaving children’s homes, offering them the support, guidance, and skills they need to transition into independent life. Even our participants agree—this is the next step forward. Today, the community has over 45 young members, and we plan to expand it every year.

Why is this community important?

For many young people from children’s homes, stepping into adulthood can feel overwhelming. Despite all the efforts of educators, many have been conditioned to passively accept life as it comes. Our goal is to change that—to encourage them to take responsibility for their own future and believe that their dreams are possible if they are willing to work for them.

Through Rise Up, members will:
– Learn practical life skills, like job searching, financial planning, and independent living
– Receive mentorship from volunteers, professionals, and former participants
– Find a safe space to ask questions, share experiences, and support one another
– Develop and test their own projects in a risk-free environment

“We started an mentoring program while back and even than we quickly realized how valuable the support from mentors and volenters is. But what’s even more powerful is when young adults start supporting each other. That’s when the idea of building a community truly came to life,” says Petra Erguvanli, project manager of C4C’s Springboard to Life initiative.

What’s next?

The young members of Rise Up are already taking ownership of their community. Right now, they’re working on a logo—some of the drafts look fantastic! And at the end of March, we’re hosting the first of five planned weekend retreats taking place over the next 12 months.

The first event will focus on Getting a Job, with HR specialists, psychologists, and life coaches leading workshops and one-on-one consultations. After a full day of learning and self-development, participants will wind down with a music therapy session, giving them a chance to relax and reflect.

This is just the beginning. Rise Up is here to create a lasting impact, proving to these young adults that they are not alone and that their future is in their own hands.

Let’s help them rise!