Robin Hood

A Ray of Hope for Institutionalized Children

ROBIN HOOD, you know him, that great dude that took from the rich and gave to the poor! Well, he is at it again, doing what he does best — but this time he is not operating out of Sherwood Forest, now our hero is running about the forests of Bohemia and Moravia and Central and Eastern Europe. No worries about the Sheriff of Nottingham anymore, though! Everything Robin is doing here is on the “up and up” and very much appreciated by all who know his team. He’s even getting audited, would you believe it?

Robin, along with his pals, has been super busy here on behalf of disadvantaged and institutionalized children, trying to make their lives more enjoyable, their surroundings more livable and, most of all, helping them to have an education. That way, they later can have a chance in life! Besides all that, Robin also often rolls up his sleeves and does “hands on” work, like renovating needy and dilapidated institutions, supplying furniture, etc. And the list goes on.

With the help of some great and influential friends Robin has tackled huge logistical challenges and helped cash-strapped homes with resident children, like orphanages for instance, save literally hundreds of millions of CZK. These sums have then been re-invested into educational programs, home improvements, renovations and summer vacations and the like. Truly a remarkable fellow, this Robin Hood!

Summing it all up – since 1996 dear Robin and his team have worked over-time and made a marked and tangible difference in the lives of thousands of children confined to homes and institutions in Central and Eastern Europe. We think they did a remarkable job!


The spirit of our ROBIN HOOD program is as simple and as old the legend itself – you take it from those with a surplus and you give to those in need”, smiles Manfred Franke, Founder and Chairman of Chance 4 Children. “Of course our tactics are not quite as coercive as ROBIN’s of old”, he adds, “a little gentle persuasion is often all it takes.”

Of all the programs C4C has initiated over the years, ROBIN HOOD is truly the most prolific and far reaching to date. An enormous amount of good will and support has been created over the years on behalf of the children C4C cares for. Contacting multinational giants and large merchandisers, the ROBIN HOOD team is rescuing huge surplus stocks and seasonal merchandise of brand name clothing, foods  and cleaning supplies, just to name a few, for the benefit of financially struggling institutions with resident children. The incurred savings, to date exceeding 800 million CZK (32 million Euro), are then being used to finance, children’s educational and vocational programs and improve the infrastructure of the homes the children live in.  For the last 15 years, DHL, one of the world’s largest freight forwarder, has emerged as Robin Hood’s key partner in matters of transportation and shipping. Most of the international shipments the program received, were provided free of charge by DHL. Read more about this cooperation here.

A win-win situation for all involved!

Enthusiastic team members have now taken the concept to the next level: they have branched out to take the ROBIN HOOD concept to other countries and continents recently. Members left for Central and South East Asia and Mexico respectively, to establish indigenous branches of the program there as well.

ROBIN HOOD depends for it’s continuance on donations from the private sector, from individuals and companies alike. If you’d like to help there’s a variety of ways to participate. Click here to check out our “How to Help” section and find out how you can fit in.