Learning how to Rock’n Roll …

01.11.2012 … and play the Blues – with the support of Lucie Bila and KYTARA.CZ Learning to read notes, play music and properly pluck guitars is one of the various (and most popular) aspects ofC4C’s Springboard to Life (STL) program. C4C’s two teachers of modern and creative music, Michal Nemecek and Standa Jedlicka, have been relating the finer skills of “music-mania” to an enthusiastic bunch of would-be-music-stars, for the better

Student Power in Support of C4C on the Streets of Major Czech Cities!

18.09.2012 Student Power in Support of C4C on the Streets of Major Czech Cities! If you’ve been approached by a smiling student or young person recently, informing you that by purchasing an attractive or useful small item you can support C4C’s projects for socially disadvantaged and hospitalized children – rest assured it’s genuine and not a hoax! It’s

C4C receives 100.000 CZK check from DHL Freight to commemorate their 10 year partnership on behalf of children in need and at risk in the Czech Republic

28.03.2012 Why settle for just one – if you can have two celebrations at the same time? International  transportation giant DHL Freight recently celebrated its 20 year anniversary of entering the Czech market – while at the time commemorating an enduring and extremely fruitful 10 year partnership with C4C, which has produced unprecedented results. “DHL Freight is a company with an obviously finely

C4C staff party at the Prague Clarion Old Town Hotel

5.01.2012 It has always been a challenge to assemble C4C’s manifold and far strewn staff members under one roof for a get-together. They’re literally from all over the place, Prague, Plsen, Pisek – just to name a few cities, and even a 50% attendance quorum had been hard to reach in the past. Not so

C4C staff party at the Prague Clarion Old Town Hotel

15.01.2012 It has always been a challenge to assemble C4C’s manifold and far strewn staff members under one roof for a get-together. They’re literally from all over the place, Prague, Plsen, Pisek – just to name a few cities, and even a 50% attendance quorum had been hard to reach in the past. Not so this time!  The lure of a

Pre-Christmas bells are ringing in Slovakia…

18.12.2011 Just in time for Christmas: C4C’s Robin Hood team & long-time partners Iveco-Strojservis & Out of Round Promotions, deliver 8 million CZK worth of brand-new clothing, shoes and Lego toys to needy children in Slovakia! When Christmas time comes rolling around, C4C’s Robin Hood team usually kicks into high gear to fill the demands for presents and toys of thousands of childrenliving in

Breaking News! Now Partners in Smiles: LEGO and C4C’s DR. CLOWN team up!

17.10.2011 Two great Kladno natives are partnering up to bring smiles to hospitalized children nation-wide! Two great Kladno natives are partnering up to bring smiles to hospitalized children nation-wide! Few people know that the city of Kladno is home to one of the biggest LEGO assembly and packing plants in the world and it is

Breaking News! Now Partners in Smiles: LEGO and C4C’s DR. CLOWN team up!

17.10.2011 Two great Kladno natives are partnering up to bring smiles to hospitalized children nation-wide! Few people know that the city of Kladno is home to one of the biggest LEGO assembly and packing plants in the world and it is here that the company sports Europe’s biggest automated warehouse. In Kladno, one of only three European LEGO production facilities,