Dr. Clown becoming a household word in Kladno

13.06.2009 Dr. Clown – becoming a household word in Kladno!   (Article translated from Kladno’s biggest daily, the KLADENSKÝ DENÍK) THE CHRISTENING OF THE NEW DR. CLOWN CITY BUS Kladno – This Sunday, a bus full of animated children and clowns was spotted cruising down the morning streets of Kladno. Some of the passers-by were obviously caught by surprise,

Watch out – they’re coming: Dr. Clown Agents!

Pediatric nurses in the greater Prague area yesterday enthusiastically embraced the concept of becoming Dr. Clown Agents, receiving training from the DC team in clowning skills and in the art of making children feel at ease in hospital environs. How to establish a more or less permanent presence in hospitals participating in the Dr. Clown program, has been on the minds of

Look who is spying on Dr. Clown…

The Dr. Clown team, visiting the children’s ward of the Vinohrady hospital, was in for a shocker today: the TV crew of TV Barrandov dropped by for a surprise visit to document the wonders of Dr. Clown’s “Smile Therapy” for their daily 90 minute news program. “We heard so much about the Dr. Clown program. We just had to

Legendary Robin Hood spotted in Romania!

Rumor has it that this popular folk hero has been seen roaming about Romania, doing what he does best – helping needy children cope and survive! In January 2009 the C4C Robin Hood team set out on its first pioneer trip to Romania, visiting orphanages and hospitals, setting the stage to support struggling children in this poor country on a more regular and

Dr. Clown: After the clowns have left…

Dr. Clown coloring book coming soon! For hospitalized children nation-wide! One of the things that makes C4C’s Dr. Clown teams so popular with children they visit in hospitals, is, that they don’t have a predefined time limit for their visits. Their stays range anywhere from one to five hours depending on the situation they encounter. “It would sometimes just break out hearts

Breaking Records: The 2008 Hilton/C4C Christmas Charity Concert, featuring the Czech National Symphonic Orchestra, breaks all previous attendance and revenue records!

T’was that time o’year again and the crowds slowly packed into the Prague Hilton Conference Center facilities to attend this year’s highlight of the season: the Hilton Christmas Charity Concert for the benefit of C4C! With 1250 connoisseurs of fine music in attendance, the concert witnessed the highest turn-out ever and extra seating had to

2008 Academic Year Round-Up: SPRINGBOARD TO LIFE (STL)

Now that the dust has settled and vacation time is over, it’s time again to tally up the SPRINGBOARD TO LIFE (STL) stats and look at progress made. Since crunching numbers is always a time- consuming and sacrificial effort for our highly idealistic team (smile), it took a little while to get this into print.

C4C Logo Races Around Hockenheimring – And Comes In Second!

To those closely observing the European “DMV Tourenwagen Challenge” Championships at the Hockenheim Ring in Germany last week, a logo stood out on one of the winning cars: www.c4c.cz – which, of course, is the address to our popular website. Front runner Hans-Christian Zink, of UHC Speed Performance Racing Team, decided to give Chance 4 Children (C4C) this exposure