A Christmas to remember: C4C Jackets

Jackets are something we here at Chance 4 Children (C4C) have had an abundance of in the past. Throughout the years we have received tens of thousands of them from brand name manufacturers and other organizations for the benefit of our ROBIN HOOD program. The ultimate recipients were thousands of needy kids who are now braving storms and weather inside of them as a result.

C4C’s ROBIN HOOD program: 2600 pair, or 20 pallets, of high-tech “Brooks” sports and running shoes arrive at C4C storage!

With a fair market value estimated to be almost 250.000 Euro, the “Brooks” sports and running shoes will supply every Czech orphan – within an appropriate age bracket – with a pair of cutting-edge, high-tech shoes for their sports activities. “If there is one request we keep getting from orphanages time and again, it‘s for good quality running and sports

The 2007 Hilton Charity Christmas Concert – better than ever! 105.000 CZK collected for C4C!

Not an empty seat left, the packed out Hilton Congress Hall reverberated again with the sounds and melodies of the Czech National Symphonic Orchestra, conducted by world-renowned Maestro Paul Freeman. Attended by over 1000 guests, the concert was an ambitious musical journey through different genres and styles, and as an enthusiastic Hilton general manager Michael Speckingcalled it, “The highlight of the Hilton’s

Latest News & Sneak Preview: 2008 C4C Calendar!

With vacation time over and everyone getting back into the saddle, so to speak, it’s time for everybody here at Chance 4 Children (C4C) too, to roll up their sleeves and get to work again. Here’s some news from all fronts, for those of you interested in the latest: ROBIN HOOD: As international ROBIN HOOD shipments came

C4C 2007 Mid-Year Report: Breaking all Records!

Tallying up the score for the first two quarters of 2007, C4C’s humanitarian arm, the ROBIN HOOD program, surpassed the 30.000.000,- Kč mark on aid distributed to needy and struggling institutions with resident children! Institutions receiving aid were located in the Czech Republic, neighboring Slovakia and Bosnia. „This is definitely a record for any 2nd quarter result in our history“,

Good News from Sarajevo!

An age old adage says – “no news is good news”. While this certainly holds true most of the time, the following may be the proverbial exception to the rule. In response to C4C’s humanitarian trip to Bosnia last month, delivering almost 10 million CZK (US$ 485.000,-) worth of aid to struggling orphanages there, we received the


When it comes to organizing successful and fun eventsfor the benefit of children living in institutions, leave it to Vaclav “Vasek“ Cermak, Chance 4 Children (C4C)project manager, to come up with great ideas! This time was no different. On Sunday April 29th, Vasek set the stage for the stars of the country’s leading musicals, ”Excalibur” and ”Angelika”, to unite their efforts