When Orphans meet Presidents…


The idea of Chance 4 Children (C4C) bowling tournaments as a way to integrate and socialize orphans is nothing new, as Chance 4 Children has chosen bowling as its vehicle of choice when it comes to integrating sports activities for orphans. In the past, team leaders have been celebrities, TV stars and other notables. This time around they were presidents. Not of countries, but of companies – large successful companies! And they were ready to share the secrets of their successwith the kids and answer questions, any questions – no holds barred!

The event was organized at the Best Bowling venue at Metropole Mall in Zlicin, Prague, and 50 orphans from 6 institutions were selected to participate. Their counterparts were 20 highly motivated individuals, movers and shakers in society – the members of the YPO or Young Presidents Organization. Each of them in charge of a company with a minimum net worth of US$ 10.000.000 and/or a minimum turnover of US$ 8.000.000, respectively. Headed on by Grahame Maher, CEO of Vodafone CR, they represented notable national and international companies like Office Depot, Raiffeisen Bank, Defend Lock, SAS Radisson and many others.

The bowling is the bait, a means to an end, but we’re really here to have the kids participate in the forums afterwards”, comments Grahame Maher of Vodafone. Because at YPO, a forum is an already established pattern and probably the most personal form of networking within the organization. It is a meeting in confidentiality and trust and in this case it was meant to get under the skin of the young participants to foster friendships and mentoring beyond the actual event.

“It’s all about the real essence of Chance 4 Children”, says Manfred Franke, chairman and founder of C4C. “The children here today will have a chance to rise above their circumstances by bonding with someone and perhaps find a mentor amongst the participants of the YPO. It’s about exchanging address, phone numbers and emails and carrying this to the next level: getting involved in these young lives and changing them for the better!

And so it was, when the bowling had ended, the winners were established and the prices distributed, that the participants, orphans and leaders alike, got down to business. Forums were held, each group, in matching t-shirts, sat around a table, exchanged ideas and got to know each other. Communication emerged in the most straightforward of manners and walls began to crumble. Questions like: “What is your greatest fear in life?”, “If you could be anybody, who would you want to be and why?” or “What do you think are your greatest strength and weaknesses?” were asked and to this observer a noticeable change came over the groups. Discussions became lively and the children started to participate in earnest. Dinner was served and time flew by.

When the evening came to a close, former strangers had become friends; bridges were built between the most unlikely of social groups. There were warm handshakes and hugs, smiles and laughter all around and all were in agreement that the event was a success. “These kids are so real”, said Edwin Brenninkmeyer, YPO member and also member of the distinguished family of the same name, sole owners of C&A clothing stores. “I sincerely hope that we can carry this further and follow up on the new friends we made tonight and get involved in their lives.”

While Edwin now lives in London, some of his local colleagues took the challenge to heart – and got involved! C4C just received an email from one of the YPO participants, Michal Chour, General Manager of the SAS Radisson Hotel in Prague, informing us that some of the participating children he is in touch with will be given internships with room and board at the Radisson hotel to help them with their integration process and further their education.

We think that’s just great and, already, just a few days after the event, a real tangible success! A big thank you goes to all the participating YPO’s, for sacrificing their time and energy to help children less fortunate then their own! They are great folks to work with!