News Flash – C4C Bosnia Trip! Audience with Czech Ambassador.

Jiri Kudela, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Czech Republic, invited the Chance 4 Children (C4C)team to his office this morning to express his appreciation for their engagement and for bringing relief to some of the still desperately poor institutions with resident children in Bosnia. The country is still reeling from the after shocks of a

News Flash – C4C Bosnia trip! TV Interview with C4C Team.

Bosnia’s biggest private TV station, Hayat, invited the Chance 4 Children (C4C) team today to their popular morning show “Jutro s Vama” (The Morning with You) to talk about their humanitarian trip to Bosnia. Meliha Mulahalilovic, news anchor and distinguished TV personality, welcomed the C4C team on to the set to discuss the background of the trip. During the

Arrival of new children’s clothing!

Chance 4 Children (C4C) took receipt of four pallets of new children‘s clothing, which arrived in our storage facilities today. In April, after going through the process of being sorted and repackaged, the clothing is scheduled for delivery to orphanages in the Czech Republic by our ROBIN HOOD team, after the team returns from their trip

Long awaited ROBIN HOOD Bosnia trip gets finally underway!

After much planning the ROBIN HOOD team will finally leave on Monday the 19th of March 2007 on a much anticipated one week humanitarian aid trip to Bosnia Herzegovina. The trip, originally slated for the 10th of March, already got once delayed because of customs issues. Making use of a truck, kindly donated for the

February 2007 marks start of second phase of SPRINGBOARD TO LIFE program!

After the successful launch of the initial pilot program in 2005, Chance 4 Children’s (C4C) SPRINGBOARD TO LIFE program (STL) is entering its expanded second phase with a wide variety of services being offered. Designed to teach extracurricular vocational skills to orhpans in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, the program aims to relate a variety of classes

Will the next Paganini please stand up? 120 Guitars for C4C!

Or will it rather be the next Eric Clapton or Carlos Santana? Music talent is someting that is rife and not in short supply at many orphanages throughout the country. It lays dormant inside many of the children, just waiting to be awakened, kindled and nurtured to finally break out in a burst of creativity.

Logistical Meeting with Representatives of DHL – a Transport Company With a Heart For Children!

Chance 4 Children (C4C) is now looking back on many years of successful cooperation with transportation giant DHL. The company is taking its social corporate responsibility seriously and is offering Chance 4 Children free and complimentary transportation for aid shipments. Many of these shipments for C4C’s ROBIN HOOD program come from abroad. Containing mostly high value clothing like Marlboro

Alena Antalova Invites C4C to Opening of Klokanek Institution in Brno.

She’s not only a very talented and well known actress, but Alena Antalova is also something like a patron saint to the charity Klokanek. Today, she is opening a new branch of Klokanek in Brno and Chance 4 Children (C4C) is invited for the festivities. To add a little spice to the celebrations the Chance 4 Children dancing troupe

Hilton Charity Concert and Auction Nets Almost 100.000,- CZK for C4C

For the third consecutive time Chance 4 Children (C4C)was the beneficiary of the proceeds of this years Hilton Charity Concert. 1400 socialites of the local and international community turned up to hear and watch “History Maker“ Maestro Paul Freeman conduct the Czech National Symphony Orchestra for the benefit of the children Chance 4 Children cares for. Many of